Attiba ltd terminix

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Location: 28 Methuen St, Port of Spain
Tel: (868) 622-5001
Category: UNKNOWN
Also Try Searching For: pest control
Location: Milford Rd, UNKNOWN
Tel: (868) 639-7777
Location: 28 Methuen St, Port of Spain
Tel: (868) 622-5001
Description: Terminix has been the leader in the fight against Termites and Pests over 85 years experience with services that keep Pests out and your home and business protected.;; When it comes to protecting homes, Terminix has satisfied more customers than any other insect and pest control company in the industry. The dedicated associates of Terminix deliver more than 15 million service visits annually.;; Read how our customers feel about Terminix and our pest control associates in Customer Stories, or contact us if you have a customer service inquiry.
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Location: 28 Methuen St, Port of Spain
Tel: (868) 622-5001
Category: UNKNOWN